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Detail of choroidal neovascularization (CNV)
ncRNA name HIF-1α shRNA
ncRNA Category shRNA
Disease name choroidal neovascularization (CNV)
Species Homo sapiens
Tissues/Cell_line human RPE cells
Methods shRNA knockdown, qRT-PCR, Western blot, MTT assay, migration assay, tube formation assay
Expression pattern associated
Functional description RNAi of HIF-1alpha in RPE cells can inhibit angiogenesis in vitro and provide a possible strategy for treatment of choroidal neovascularization diseases by targeting HIF-1alpha.
PubMed ID 18523795
Year 2008
Title Inhibition of proliferation, migration and tube formation of choroidal microvascular endothelial cells by targeting HIF-1alpha with short hairpin RNA-expressing plasmid DNA in human RPE cells in a coculture system.
Drug-related ncRNA NA

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